Community Events - Crossing East Heritage Festival, Portland, Oregon

Parkrose High School, May 20th

Thank you to all who joined us for the heritage festival - we had around 250 attendees, with over 60 cast and crew members.

The Crossing East Heritage Festival is hosted by OPB's Alison Frost and Polo Cantalani, commentator for OPB and The Asian Reporter.

Carmela Lanza-Weil was an able director of the whole production, with MediaRites board member Sahni Samuelson as stage manager.

*Much thanks to Terry Franceschi & the student crew of Parkrose High School.


Kalabharathi Dancers

Artists included:

  • Minh Tran & Company
  • Dancer/Choreographer Chisao Hata
  • The Cambodian Ramskey-Kamera Band
  • Sivagami Vanka & dancers from the Kalabharathi School of Dance
  • Singer Jim Chan & the Yat Sing Music Club
  • Osanori Korean Drumming
  • Bounsou Vongdeuane and Laotian musicians

The evening also featured Northwest history and cultural heritage through audio and video clips from the Crossing East radio series.

Chisao Hata Dances

Our Community Collaborators:

OPB - Oregon Public Broadcasting
Parkrose High School
SUN - Schools Uniting Neighborhoods Program
CACO - Cambodian American Community of Oregon

Daran Kravanh and Cheat Nouth play during a slideshow of Crossing East interviewees

  © 2006 MediaRites - Contact Web Designer Sara Kolbet

Hosted By

George Takei

Margaret Cho

Major funding
provided by

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting

With additional
support from

National Endowment for the Arts

Oregon Council
for the Humanities

And underwriting support from