Crossing East Preview Event - San Francisco, KQED, May 2nd
On May 2nd, 2006, producers, scholars, and members of the public met at KQED studios in San Francisco for a listening session with Crossing East. KQED Education Network and the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation co-sponsored the event.
Following a reception, producers Dmae Roberts, Sara Caswell Kolbet, Rainjita Yang-Geesler, Robynn Takayama, Stephanie Loleng and Reese Erlich presented excerpts from one of their produced pieces. Scholars Judy Yung and Bill Hing, with Nguyen Qui Duc, host of KQED's Pacific Time, added historical context to the excerpts, and Editor Catherine Stifter was also on hand.
The event was well attended in the beautiful KQED atrium. 
Additional support for this event was provided by the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund and the Walter and Elise Haas Fund.
The first two Crossing East programs premiere on KQED 88.5 FM on May 3rd and 4th at 8pm. On May 17th, Crossing East will be featured in the KQED Asian American heritage celebration.
Our Community Collaborators:
KQED 88.5 & 89.3
Angel Island Immigration Station
Chinese Historical Society of America
National Japanese American Historical Society
Korean Inter-Educational Cultural Center

Photos (Top to Bottom):
Dmae Roberts as host. Judy Yung, Bill Hing & Nguyen Qui Duc as commenting scholars.
The audience fills out their comment cards at teh conclusion of the event.
Erika Gee of the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation, Kathleen Accord of the KQED Education Initiative, and Dmae Roberts of MediaRites.