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Podcast Description
Date of Release
The Story of Ok Cha Yang: An excerpt from the story of one woman's return to Korea by her daughter, Rainjita Yang-Geesler. A military bride away from Korea for over 30 years, Ok Cha returns looking for her brother and hoping for healing.
July 26, 2006
Wen Ho Lee: Reese Erlich shares a story of solidarity within heartbreak. Hear from Alberta Lee, Wen Ho Lee's daughter, as she describes what her family went through during the wrongful espionage accusations against her father by the US government.
June 21, 2006

Polly Bemis: A story about a young girl from Mongolia who was sold into slavery and taken to the mines of Idaho before she freed herself and lived a frontier life with her husband on the Salmon River.

June 14, 2006
WETA Interview with George Takei: George Takei, host of the first four episodes of Crossing East, discusses his own family's story and the importance of bringing Asian American history to the public consciousness.
June 7, 2006

WETA Interview with Dmae Roberts: The Executive Producer of Crossing East speaks with WETA about her inspiration for Crossing East and its relevance to today's issues.

May 31, 2006
Hard Labor: Robynn Takayama produced this story. In Hawaii, sugar plantation owners enticed Asian workers to come and do backbreaking work. But their attempts to exploit racial differences only made the workers stronger.
May 24, 2006
Paper Sons: Hear what Chinese immigrants had to go through to enter the US after the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 through the personal story of Professor Emeritus Judy Yung and her family.
May 17, 2006
Angelo Pizarro - Guitarist: Seattle-based guitarist Angelo Pizarro demonstrates the distinct Filipino guitar style and how it has been shaped by the Filipino-American experience.
May 10, 2006
Slack Key Guitar: Slack key is a distinctly Hawaiian sound of guitar. Producer Dmae Roberts speaks with musicians Led Kaapana and Ozzie Katani about what influences Hawaii and the guitar have had on each other.
April 19, 2006
Daran and his Accordion: Cambodian musician Daran Kravanh survived the "killing fields" and genocide under the Khmer Rouge regime, with the help of an unlikely ally: an accordion. Being a musician kept him alive during the brutal antil-Western genocide.
April 5, 2006
The Legacy of Ing 'Doc' Hay: Producer Dmae Roberts presents the story 19th-century Chinese doctor Ing "Doc" Hay, who left a lasting mark on an Oregon town and was a longtime icon for Asians emigrating to America. 9:10
March 29, 2006
Kanaka Village: Producers Dmae Roberts and Sara Caswell Kolbet report on descendants of Hawaiians who live in the Pacific Northwest. Many generations later, the progeny of those first Hawaiians still remember some traditions brought from the islands. 4:11

March 22, 2006

Cambodian Deportation: Cambodian-born Andrew Thi committed crimes in the United States as a teenager. Now 30, he faces deportation to a homeland he barely remembers. Robynn Takayama reports. The story was co-produced by Dmae Roberts. 5:29

March 15, 2006

Pidgin English: George Takei introduces an audio postcard of some Hawaiians who are proud to speak pidgin - a home-grown version of English with words and phrases borrowed from other languages brought to the islands over the centuries. 4:28
March 8, 2006
Brides & Children: Margaret Cho hosts an excerpt from Program Five, including stories of Vietnamese and Chinese adoptees. 9:12
March 2, 2006

  © 2006 MediaRites - Contact Web Designer Sara Kolbet

Hosted By

George Takei

Margaret Cho

Major funding
provided by

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting

With additional
support from

National Endowment for the Arts

Oregon Council
for the Humanities

And underwriting support from