CD # 1- Track 2- Airport, travel: landing in korea, cab ride to hotel, money exchange
Ladies and gentleman, touchdown in Inchon, seatbacks in the upright position, portable electronic devices off.
1:00- Airline attendant: welcome to Korea, where the local time is 8:40, taxiing, captain turns off fasten seatbelt sign. Use caution when retrieving articles. No smoking until designated smoking area. Good night.
3:48- here we go to immigration, the last time we went to immigration you were exporting yourself. Yeah, not like this… What’s going on here?
Are we in the wrong line? We have to go over there, go look. R: You went from Korean, to a non Korean citizen. How does that feel?
O: I want to go over there.
R: Now we are in the non-korean citizen line.
7:51- Yeah, we made it mom! Almost. Do you think you’re going to find your brother here?
O: I don’t know.
9:50- R: Are you happy to be off the plane now? O: a lot better.
10:38- Ambiance of passports being checked in. O: This is my daughter. You have to go back in line.
12:30- R: Thank you. OK, now we can get the hell out of here. Our bags are over there. We’re in mom! O: we’re in hahahah. Now this is where the battle begin, we have to start lookin. I don’t know which one we gotta go. R: we can look at the screen, 883 and look at the number. See it right there? O:23 F. We might have to have one of these but, R: can leave this out with you? OK? (Bathroom)
14:54- R: alright here we go! O: Let’s go get taxi, we have to get money first. There is a currency exchange over there.
17:05- money exchange R: How much should I do? O: I am changing 2,000. Should I do some? O: You should. Money sounds… R: 800?
18:24- R: what’d he say? I don’t want to go together, she has to do her own. I’m independent, yeah! I don’t know what I am going to do, I have to hide these. Now we have to find taxi, and find hotel. My dad is german, and my mom is Korean. She is 29 years old, I have to go to co-op in seoul (two different conversations happening at once)
19:59 Maybe they can call a cab for us, I don’t want them to rip me off either. Yeah that’s it. (looking for hotel address) I’m looking for my brother, his name is Yang Ducheik, and I don’t know how I am going to find him. Telephone book? Do you think I can find my brother in telephone book?
Telephone book?
O: Yeah, I’m looking for my brother, I lost him 32 years ago.
I’m sorry I don’t know
O: Oh I am sorry
Oh I am sorry- Go outside information desk.
O: Yeah, this is internet put it on those, so I have to go with the passport whole nine yards. I don’t like that. OK you drive. I should have got car.
R: Ohh! Oh god, look at all the people. O: Maybe they know me! I hope…
22:00- R: He called me white! The guy changing money, he said “You’re white!” I said, yeah my dad is! Seoul.
Where are you going?
R: What’s the address? Co-op. Seoul. Negotiating with cab driver… in Korean
27:00 O: (celling hotel) tell them I am coming, they know. Everyone got telephone. He’s going to have a meter. You know where it is. R: Ask him how much he thinks it is? 90,000 ninety dollars? How much is the exchange rate? Let me look, I just want to know how much it is going to be. Yeah, it’s almost like 100.00. is it? Yeah.
Down, parking lot, basement… whole trip is one hour and 30 minutes. (putting luggage in the truck)
30:00- R: Do you want to sit in front? No smoking allowed. It’s OK? Does he smoke? Are you allowed to smoke in this car?
33:00- KOREAN: NY, yes, upstate NY, California… NY is better than California, upstate, upstate NY. Then he got married he lives in seoul somewhere. I have to find it in telephone book. I got 18 days. If you give me good deal you can come pick me back up. (Korean) police, blah blah. So it’s better off to go to city hall. What did he say mom? How bout KBS? TV? Easy to get on? KBS, everyone watches KBS< I got to go to KBS and everyone puts information in. Tomorrow, KBS. You’ll take us?? Haha.
(car sounds)
I wrote in piece of paper what I am going to say. All I have to do is find one. Yang Dusheik. Someone told me to go to KBS, best bet. They flash the name on the bottom, all the information.
39:00- O: What do you think now Renee, you can start talking now. R: No I’m too tired. YWCA? Oh good I can go and exercise the airport food off. Oh, the market is there, and so is the mall. O: they got 24 hour mall. Where is that? There is Chinese food. (Korean) R: Military? US military close by? Military base? Suwan has military base, army or airforce. There is the subway. Here we are in Seoul, we are going to our hotel and we see many things, just like NYCity. Shopping… sejung. It’s a lot of stuff. Yeah, co-op, there it is. Yeah!
That’s it.