Joseph Santos

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[00:00:00] Joseph Santos Lyons: For someone who’s been following racial justice politics for a long time. I wasn’t surprised and I we’ve been seen. A more conservative backlash within the Chinese community to arrange equity measures including affirmative action which we see as problematic. And so I think some signs of this division have appeared in the years before the officer fleeing. Case in the death and the killing of a colleague early. What

[00:00:32] are some of the things that come upon two of us all. From dialogue. And I don’t know what did you do.

[00:00:43] Joseph: You know early on that when the case. Came into the public domain we were listening to other Asian-American Pacific Islander groups across the country and we have organizations that we stay in touch with who are based in New York where this was all happening. And in many ways we took the lead. We both listened to the voices of community organizers in the New York City area. Read more...

Malkia Cyril

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[00:00:00] Malkia: My name is Malkia Amala Cyril/ And I give my permission to broadcast and edit this interview. Thank you so much.

[00:00:08] Dmae: And just so you know if you say something later wanting you know like in if you think back on it next week and go oh you know maybe I don’t want that. Just let me know.

[00:00:17] Malkia: OK. OK.

Scott Nakagawa

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[00:00:00] What is to you when your mind is the idea of the model minority.

[00:00:05] Scot: The idea of the model minority to me is a stereotype about Asian-Americans in particular that sometimes applies to other groups and sometimes groups apply it to themselves but not particularly where Asian-Americans are concerned. The model minority basically suggests that Asians by culture or in some instances even by biology have a greater disposition toward success value education more work hard are quiet uncomplaining cooperative and are willing to make sacrifices in order to achieve a better life. And you know they’re it’s hard to describe the model minority except in terms of what it’s not the model minority is not prone to criminality not prone to protest not disruptive and willing to basically quietly work and do as they are told.

[00:01:07] And what.