Helen Zia

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Helen Zia, SF, 8/2/05
Recorded by Reese Erlich

55.25 total

.5 I’m Helen Zia. I’m one of the organizers and founders of American Citizens for Justice, the grass roots organization that led the campaign for justice for Vincent Chin, who was killed in hate crime in 1982. Read more...

Kevin Fitzpatrick

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Kevin’s disc – Track 1:

Sounds of traffic moving through wet streets, buses with brakes squealing, people talking, sounds kind of like static with all the train, :59 recognizable car sound, honking, brakes squealing. People start yelling 1:23

2:00 big bus passing. Good sound. 2:30 big car swiffing through water sounds. Brakes, honking, backing up 2:48. 3:26 big honk, sound of engine throgh water, car’s 3:35 going by, very good sound! Read more...