Vijay Bali
Recorded by Deepa Ranganathan
:37 At this moment neither is myself a taxi driver nor is bhairavi but we were on the opposite sides. **********One person was there for political reasons, and we had organized, united yellow, in order to motivate the taxi driver. In a way that he would know that he could get his rights if he went in the right direction.
1:22 United was started in 97. The drivers had so many problems, the airport was one of that. At the airport there were some drivers, illegal fares, and the drivers were not treated in the manner which they should be. Specific in the sense that because of their lack of language, they could not relate to the officials in the city. And those officials were not taking them as the citizens of this great country should be taken. *********
Javaid Tariq, Co-Founder of New York Taxi Workers Alliance
Javaid Tariq –
Recorded by Deepa Ranganathan
inside the car, with blinker light on, and windshield wipers.
1:05 my name is javaid tariq, I’m driving a yellow cab in new york city, also a co founder and organizing committee member of new york taxi worker alliance, non profit org to help cab drivers and other working class people which included in this industry, like garage mechanics and other car service drivers and anybody who is connected with this cab industry, so we help tem to solve their problems, like that.