Pick A Program... #1 - First Contacts #2 - Frontier Asians #3 - Raising Cane #4 - Exclusion & Resistance #5 - Brides & Children #6 - The Post '65 Generation #7 - Refuge From War #8 - New Waves, New Storms Music Features
Keep Asians Out – that has been the consistent message toward Asian immigrants beginning with the Exclusion Act of 1882. Crossing East gives detailed accounts of immigration laws designed specifically to restrict Asian Americans.
Streaming Audio Clip (opens in new window) - Cambodian Deportation
...click on a segment below to find out more...
Paper Sons: With poverty and political chaos in China, many Chinese looked to America for refuge. But with the Exclusion Act barring all but a few, Chinese immigrants had to find another way around the system.
'Cambodian Deportation' as aired on 'Day to Day'
Listen to the Story of Andrew Thi, one of 1,500 Cambodians living in America facing deportation, which aired on January 10th, 2006 NPR's "Day to Day."
'Andrew's Story' was produced by Robynn Takayama.
Hosted By
George Takei Margaret Cho
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting
National Endowment for the Arts
Oregon Council for the Humanities
And underwriting support from