Crossing East Programs

There are eight one-hour programs to Crossing East.
Click on a program name for audio clips and information about music, scholars, producers, and content.
- Download a paper copy of the Program Descriptions. -

Program One: First Contacts Program Two: Frontier Asians Program Three: Raising Cane
Program Four: Exclusion and Resistance Program Five: Brides and Children Program Six: Post '65 Generation
Program Seven: Refuge from War Program Eight: New Waves and New Storms Music Features

Photo G: Program SevenThe U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War caused devastation throughout Southeast Asia and brought families who had no choice but to seek a new life in America.

For stations without five minute news holes, we have produced five-minute features that will fit the designated newsbreak slots. These features include interviews with the artists and musicians who contributed to the sounds of Crossing East.

Did You Know...
  • In the 1700’s, Filipino seamen escaped Spanish galleons and found refuge in the bayous of Louisiana.
  • Joseph Heco, the first Japanese-American, drifted across the Pacific in the 1830s and worked as an American consulate.
  • In the late 1800s, Chinese herb and pulse doctor, Ing “Doc” Hay treated people in the Northwest.
  • Numerous towns in the Pacific Northwest have Hawaiian names.
  • Angel Island in San Francisco Bay has hundreds of poetic verses etched into the walls, scratched there by Chinese immigrants detained in the early 20th century.
  • From 1939 to 1946 one million International brides of US servicemen requested entry into the US, including those from China, the Philippines, Japan, Okinawa, and Korea.
  • More than half the budget motels and a third of hotels in the U.S. are owned and operated by Asian Americans.
  • By 1979, there were 62,000 Vietnamese in refugee camps, and more than 140,000 people displaced from Cambodia and Laos.
  • The United Nations estimates 45,000 to 50,000 women and children are brought to America every year to work as prostitutes or unpaid servants.
  • One in seven Asian American children live in poverty. Almost a quarter of Cambodian Americans live in poverty.

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Hosted By

George Takei

Margaret Cho

Major funding
provided by

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting

With additional
support from

National Endowment for the Arts

Oregon Council
for the Humanities

And underwriting support from